Don’t Be Afraid of Frogging Out
As you might or might not know, I crochet a bit here and there.
For those of you who don’t know what crocheting is, it’s a craft very similar to knitting but done with one hooked needle, instead of two.
It’s unlike what I usually do and that’s what makes it quite refreshing. In fact, it’s even a stress buster because poking the hook through small holes becomes an outlet for my aggressive energy.
I could go on about the benefits of crocheting but I’m pretty sure you could find that on google.
Here’s what I am here to talk about: Frogging.
It does sound really weird at first, and to be honest, the logic behind it is funny.
In crochet, you make patterns through stitches. When you make a mistake, you need to rip it out.
However, a lot of times, you can’t spot your mistakes until you have moved ahead with a whole lot of stitches.
When this happens, you can either go on with your work, or rip it apart till your mistake, aka frog it.
Wanna know why it is called frogging?
Imagine yourself saying “rip it, rip it, rip it” while you are pulling out several rows or rounds of a project (whatever crochet item you’re working on). It sounds similar to the noise a frog makes, right?
While frogging the project, you’re more likely to have a frown on your face rather than singing the ‘rip it’ song.
No one likes to undo their efforts and crocheters are no exception. It’s literally ripping apart your heart.
However you know, that’s not how it’s supposed to be, crochet or life.
If you spot a mistake in your work and let it slide, you’ll probably look back at the piece with regret because the error will stick out like a sore thumb. Only you would notice it but it would still bother you.
On the other hand, if you spot an error and frog it to fix it you might get a little bit irritated. But when you’re done with the project it’ll give you the satisfaction of a task well done.
One reason people fear frogging their work is that they’re scared to do the work. I agree it’s quite a bit of effort but if you did it the first time, you will have no problem doing it the second time.
Plus you get to observe and rectify your mistakes that went unnoticed earlier. It makes you learn a lesson that you would’ve missed the first time round.
So don’t be afraid of frogging out 🙂
Recap for memory:
- A lot of times you can’t spot your mistakes until you have moved ahead.
- If you spot a mistake in your work and let it slide, you’ll look back at the work with regret.
- If you did it the first time, you will have no problem doing it the second time.